Introduction to 3D Game …ogramming with DirectX 12
Chapter 23 Character Animation
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180 lines
#include "SkinnedData.h"
using namespace DirectX;
: TimePos(0.0f),
Translation(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
Scale(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),
RotationQuat(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)
float BoneAnimation::GetStartTime()const
// Keyframes are sorted by time, so first keyframe gives start time.
return Keyframes.front().TimePos;
float BoneAnimation::GetEndTime()const
// Keyframes are sorted by time, so last keyframe gives end time.
float f = Keyframes.back().TimePos;
return f;
void BoneAnimation::Interpolate(float t, XMFLOAT4X4& M)const
if( t <= Keyframes.front().TimePos )
XMVECTOR S = XMLoadFloat3(&Keyframes.front().Scale);
XMVECTOR P = XMLoadFloat3(&Keyframes.front().Translation);
XMVECTOR Q = XMLoadFloat4(&Keyframes.front().RotationQuat);
XMVECTOR zero = XMVectorSet(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
XMStoreFloat4x4(&M, XMMatrixAffineTransformation(S, zero, Q, P));
else if( t >= Keyframes.back().TimePos )
XMVECTOR S = XMLoadFloat3(&Keyframes.back().Scale);
XMVECTOR P = XMLoadFloat3(&Keyframes.back().Translation);
XMVECTOR Q = XMLoadFloat4(&Keyframes.back().RotationQuat);
XMVECTOR zero = XMVectorSet(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
XMStoreFloat4x4(&M, XMMatrixAffineTransformation(S, zero, Q, P));
for(UINT i = 0; i < Keyframes.size()-1; ++i)
if( t >= Keyframes[i].TimePos && t <= Keyframes[i+1].TimePos )
float lerpPercent = (t - Keyframes[i].TimePos) / (Keyframes[i+1].TimePos - Keyframes[i].TimePos);
XMVECTOR s0 = XMLoadFloat3(&Keyframes[i].Scale);
XMVECTOR s1 = XMLoadFloat3(&Keyframes[i+1].Scale);
XMVECTOR p0 = XMLoadFloat3(&Keyframes[i].Translation);
XMVECTOR p1 = XMLoadFloat3(&Keyframes[i+1].Translation);
XMVECTOR q0 = XMLoadFloat4(&Keyframes[i].RotationQuat);
XMVECTOR q1 = XMLoadFloat4(&Keyframes[i+1].RotationQuat);
XMVECTOR S = XMVectorLerp(s0, s1, lerpPercent);
XMVECTOR P = XMVectorLerp(p0, p1, lerpPercent);
XMVECTOR Q = XMQuaternionSlerp(q0, q1, lerpPercent);
XMVECTOR zero = XMVectorSet(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
XMStoreFloat4x4(&M, XMMatrixAffineTransformation(S, zero, Q, P));
float AnimationClip::GetClipStartTime()const
// Find smallest start time over all bones in this clip.
float t = MathHelper::Infinity;
for(UINT i = 0; i < BoneAnimations.size(); ++i)
t = MathHelper::Min(t, BoneAnimations[i].GetStartTime());
return t;
float AnimationClip::GetClipEndTime()const
// Find largest end time over all bones in this clip.
float t = 0.0f;
for(UINT i = 0; i < BoneAnimations.size(); ++i)
t = MathHelper::Max(t, BoneAnimations[i].GetEndTime());
return t;
void AnimationClip::Interpolate(float t, std::vector<XMFLOAT4X4>& boneTransforms)const
for(UINT i = 0; i < BoneAnimations.size(); ++i)
BoneAnimations[i].Interpolate(t, boneTransforms[i]);
float SkinnedData::GetClipStartTime(const std::string& clipName)const
auto clip = mAnimations.find(clipName);
return clip->second.GetClipStartTime();
float SkinnedData::GetClipEndTime(const std::string& clipName)const
auto clip = mAnimations.find(clipName);
return clip->second.GetClipEndTime();
UINT SkinnedData::BoneCount()const
return mBoneHierarchy.size();
void SkinnedData::Set(std::vector<int>& boneHierarchy,
std::vector<XMFLOAT4X4>& boneOffsets,
std::unordered_map<std::string, AnimationClip>& animations)
mBoneHierarchy = boneHierarchy;
mBoneOffsets = boneOffsets;
mAnimations = animations;
void SkinnedData::GetFinalTransforms(const std::string& clipName, float timePos, std::vector<XMFLOAT4X4>& finalTransforms)const
UINT numBones = mBoneOffsets.size();
std::vector<XMFLOAT4X4> toParentTransforms(numBones);
// Interpolate all the bones of this clip at the given time instance.
auto clip = mAnimations.find(clipName);
clip->second.Interpolate(timePos, toParentTransforms);
// Traverse the hierarchy and transform all the bones to the root space.
std::vector<XMFLOAT4X4> toRootTransforms(numBones);
// The root bone has index 0. The root bone has no parent, so its toRootTransform
// is just its local bone transform.
toRootTransforms[0] = toParentTransforms[0];
// Now find the toRootTransform of the children.
for(UINT i = 1; i < numBones; ++i)
XMMATRIX toParent = XMLoadFloat4x4(&toParentTransforms[i]);
int parentIndex = mBoneHierarchy[i];
XMMATRIX parentToRoot = XMLoadFloat4x4(&toRootTransforms[parentIndex]);
XMMATRIX toRoot = XMMatrixMultiply(toParent, parentToRoot);
XMStoreFloat4x4(&toRootTransforms[i], toRoot);
// Premultiply by the bone offset transform to get the final transform.
for(UINT i = 0; i < numBones; ++i)
XMMATRIX offset = XMLoadFloat4x4(&mBoneOffsets[i]);
XMMATRIX toRoot = XMLoadFloat4x4(&toRootTransforms[i]);
XMMATRIX finalTransform = XMMatrixMultiply(offset, toRoot);
XMStoreFloat4x4(&finalTransforms[i], XMMatrixTranspose(finalTransform));